Payment Method Services

Welcome to the National Bank of Oman's payment method services! We are delighted to offer you a wide range of secure and convenient payment options to enhance your banking experience. Whether you prefer traditional methods such as Point of Sale (POS) transactions, seamless Online Payment gateways, or the simplicity of QR payments; our powerful solutions are designed to meet your unique needs. With our simple and smart payment services, you can enjoy the flexibility and ease of making transactions anytime, anywhere. Trust us to provide you  a seamless and secure payment experience that is tailored to your preferences.

1.    Point of Sale (POS):
Our POS system allows customers to make payments in physical stores or businesses by using their OmanNet, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Union Pay, Diner Club and Discover. It provides a convenient and secure way to process transactions quickly, reducing waiting times and ensuring a smooth checkout experience. Features of the POS:

  1. Easy Payment Plan (EPP).
  2. Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
  3. Kiosk Integration.
  4. Discount on POS.
  5. Rewards Redemption.
  6. Dynamic QR
  • Registered Company

2.    Online Payment Gateways
Our online payment gateway features a smart routing (Unified Checkout) support 3-D secure payments made on your  website.

The platform also provides you a secure browser, as your customers can make purchases and payments through websites or mobile applications based on their flexibility and preferences. Additionally customer do not need to choose the card type. This option enables seamless and secure online transactions, allowing customers to enter their payment details and complete the purchase with ease. ​


  • An-Active Merchant website or Mobile Application.
  • Registered Company.

3.    Merchant App QR payments:
Our QR payment solution utilizes Quick Response (QR) codes to enable customers to make payments using their smartphones. Customers can simply scan the QR code provided by the merchant, enter the payment amount, and authorize the transaction. QR payments are convenient, contactless, and widely accepted, making them a popular choice for customers. By offering these three payment options, we aim to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of our customers. Whether they prefer traditional card payments, online transactions, or the convenience of QR payments, our payment solutions are designed to meet their requirements.

  • Registered Company.
  • Non-Registered Company.

4.    How to apply?

To apply for payment method services, kindly contact us at,

5.    Forms:

  • POS Form
  • PG Form